Corporate Social Responsibility (RSE)

Since 1,973 ZIC, it has organized events and social projects with the communities, framed in its policy of always maintaining an efficient, responsible and socially committed management.

Committed to sustainable and sustainable development, we accompany our communities, believe in the people and contribute to the development of the same by incorporating projects and contributions that promote improvement actions for the benefit of the collective, in an ethical framework of action that guarantees the balance With economic management.


Some of our contributions to the community


  • Rescue of Traditional Games, Municipality Concepción - Edo. Zulia.

  • Lunch nearby communities Batallón Bermúdez - Edo. Zulia.

  • Home Home My Refuge "Central Courtyard" - Edo. Zulia.

  • Community Gas Pipeline Colombo - Venezuelan.

  • Delivery of Toys at Christmas - Edo. Zulia.

  • Construction of the Chorochoro School.








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Zulia Industrial Constructions, C.A. (ZIC)

RIF: J-07009350-1

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